Book reviews (3r ESO)


REVIEW: El prΓ­ncipe de la niebla by Tomeu Verger Bonet (3r ESO A)

The Carvers, who have moved to the coast leaving behind the city and the war, bought a new house which is shrouded in mystery. Their new home is full of memories about Jacob, the former owner's son, who died in the coast near to the characteristic lighthouse of the novel. As the time goes by, the family begins to see paranormal facts and they start to solve the doubts about the death of that young boy, Jacob. When they least expect it, a diabolical character named Cain appears, better known as the Prince of the Mist, an evil shadow who was granting wishes to people but he did not do it for free, he always wanted something in return.

The highlight of the novel is the mystery it hides. It caused me a lot of intrigue and some scenes were a little scary. The story is not at all predictable, and it presents a turn of events that makes you change your mind about the book, so I really enjoyed the ending as I didn't expect it.

At first, I considered that the rhythm was a bit slow and that the plot takes time to start, but once the plot starts, everything makes sense and it becomes very interesting. The end has been one of the moments that I liked the most.

I think the author has been right choosing this type of characters, especially Max, who is a very clever young boy because he solves all the mysteries that appear throughout the story.

To sum up, I would like to recommend this book to those who like mystery novels because this book is full of mystery and intrigue scenes and it keeps you very entertained. It is very original and the plot is quite interesting.


BOOK REVIEW: ANNE OF AVONLEA by Margalida Sales BennΓ sser (3r ESO D)

The book is titled Anne of Avonlea. It is the second book of Anne of the Green Gables’ saga, which has 8 books. The author of this book is Lucy Maud Montgomery. The original book was published in Canada in 1908.

It is about Anne's life, since she was 16 until she was 18. The first book is about Anne, an orphan girl who was adopted by mistake by two brothers who wanted a boy instead of a girl. The story takes place in an island called Prince Edward which is in Scotland. You can find a romantic story but it is also about friendship and family links. In this second book Anne has become a teacher in Avonlea. All the links of the first book follow an evolution.

I recommend this book and the rest of the saga because I really enjoyed reading them all, especially I have enjoyed reading about the time it was written, at the beginning of the 20th century. The story is very well structured and developed. I think it is for young people or teenagers.


BOOK REVIEW: MENTIRA by Toni Verger Vallespir (3r ESO D)

Author: Care Santos

What is this book about?

This book tells the story of Xenia, a girl who falls in love with a boy online, who pretends to be someone else to talk to her. In the middle of the book, the story of Γ‰ric, the boy who spoke to Xenia on the internet, begins to be told. This story is narrated as a letter to Xenia. In it, we understand the reason for many things that happen in history, in addition to Γ‰ric's past.

What is your favourite part of the story?

My favorite part is when they tell us how Eric managed to be able to talk to Xenia on the internet, since he was locked up in a juvenile center because of a crime committed by his cousin, Ben (another very important character in the story).

What is your least favourite part of the story?

My least favorite part is the beginning of the story, the story of Xenia. It is a very dry and boring story. Even Ben's story in the book is not interesting in my opinion.


BOOK REVIEW: INVISIBLE by Jaume Server Cocera (3r ESO B)

This book explains how people who are bullied feel it. Many people are not aware of how bad it’s for a person when they are bullied. This book creates a perspective which makes us see how important it is to avoid bullying. It tells us the things that the victims think and the bad situation in which they live.

From my point of view it is a good book, because the lesson is very educational and gives very good values to the society, which is gradually improving thanks to these books, which teach us how to live with other people

I would recommend this book to secondary schools to prevent cases like the one that occurs in the book. I think it would be quite effective.


Alumna: Aina Maria Tugores
Curs: 3r ESO F

Heartstopper. Volume 1

Author: Alice Oseman
Genre: Romance

Summary of the book:

This first book will show us a bit of Charlie's situation; his sexual orientation was recently discovered and many other students are bullying him for it. Nick is another student at his school, and when they meet in the study group, they become friends.

The problem is that the feelings will become confused, and now Charlie is afraid of losing him if he is honest about what happens to him.

This book is addressed to teenagers, but older people can also read it: they will enjoy this awesome story too. It’s a teenage love story with LGTBQ+ representation.

The main characters are Nick and Charlie, two students of Truham. Their story happens in England. It treats with many themes, including: eating disorders, bullying and homophobia.

My opinion:

This book was so cute and charming. It touches a lot of tough topics such as coming out, being outed, and sexual assault, but for a graphic novel, Oseman did an amazing job at talking about them. I really loved this book a lot.

The story is narrated through Charlie's eyes, but at the story progresses it is also narrated by Nick. We can see their relationship day by day and how it gets stronger; and we also get to see Charlie and Nick's friends and their relationships. Like I said, these books have a lot of representation, the graphics are the cutest thing ever. It has a lot of character development and reflexions on how the life of people in the community is.

I can’t choose my favourite part because through all the book I had butterflies in my stomach and a dumb smile.

I couldn’t stop reading, the language and the dialogues are very realistic and this makes it easy to be inside the story. There are more illustrations than dialogue, so the narrative structure is very simple.

Overall, I would literally recommend this book to anyone. This is a book that I think everyone should read. It's a book to normalize different sexualities, as having a book with so many non-straight characters is still a rare thing to see. This book provides representation to readers of the LGBTQIA+ community and is very well done.


Alumne: Joan Nicolau
Curs: 3r ESO F


If you like football this is your book. This book was written by Roberto Santiago (who is a screenwriter and a writer). This book is addressed to old people who like football. This book is about mystery, friendship, and football. An exciting story about football and more football. This book is written for a general audience but is more for children.

The story is narrated in first person but in many moments there are dialogues. It is written through the eyes of a child who is 13 years old. The main characters are children who are thirteen and fourteen years old.

My favourite parts are every moment when they play football and the moment when they discover the mysteries.


A BOOK REVIEW BY Andrea Pou Gelabert (3r ESO F)

Title: Heartstopper 2 
Author: Alice Oseman

This book tells the story of Nick and Charlie, it is the continuation of the first book. We meet more characters from Nick's family. I love these characters, my favorite is Charlie. These characters have made me feel very emotional by revealing several love stories and not always between a boy and a girl.

The summary of the book is that Nick and Charlie have kissed but Nick is not clear about his sexual orientation, while Charlie is. In this book we find out if Nick gets his bearings and if they end up together.

My opinion of this book is that it is wonderful, all the parts are good, there are no bad parts.

I recommend this book 100% if you like the genre, it is very easy to read since it is a comic type. It's a wonderful book.


Alumne: AdriΓ  Oliver
Curs: 3r ESO B

Hello, I am AdriΓ  Oliver RossellΓ³ and I am going to talk about a book called “All the girls are called Clara”. I met this book in high schools since it was mandatory to read it and I am going to tell you a little bit about it and a little bit of my personal opinion.

The book is about a breakup between Victor (the main character) and Clara, his girlfriend, who no longer loves him. When they break up, Victor wants a girlfriend to spend the summer as it draws near. The story continues when Victor meets many girls named Clara and something happens to them with Victor. And I’m not going to talk anymore because I don’t want to spoil the ending.

The book is very short and easy to read, its genre is very varied in which I would highlight the love genre and comedy.

Its author is Jordi Sierra i Fabra, who has written quite a few books, highlighting: Campos de Fresas (Strawberry Fields), El asesinato del Profesor de MatemΓ‘ticas (The murder of the Math Teacher) and Kafka y la muΓ±eca Viajera (Kafka and the Traveling)

The protagonist is Victor, and there are secondary characters too who are very important for the story to continue. Among them we there is Clara the doctor, Clara from the party and Clara, his ex-girlfriend.

It has been a fun book; at the beginning of the story, I did not understand much but when I advanced a little, I already understood everything. The book is not the one that I liked the most, but it has been good. I expected a different book but, in the end, I liked it.

I would really recommend other books because I liked them better, it also depends on the tastes of each person, but I think I would recommend other books.


Alumne: Baltasar Sales
Curs: 3r ESO F


Author: Roberto Santiago

This book is about eleven children who play football. It was published in 2018. It is a saga of 15 books.

The eleven children travel around the world trying to make their dream true. The main character is Paquet and he has a girlfriend whose name is Aina. The other characters are Tomeu, Helena, Toni, CamuΓ±as, Angustias, Anita, Marlyn, Ocho, and Laura. The book is about playing football around the world.

I recommend this book to everybody who enjoys football. It talks about fellowship and the message is “never surrender”.


Alumne: Álvaro Vidal
Curs: 3r ESO C

All girls are called Clara

This book is about Victor, who has a girlfriend called Clara. Clara starts the book leaving Victor because she says that he is the problem of their relationship, then he gets depressed and gets sad, so he tells his friends that he has left Clara to look good. It turns out that the week after that he had two very important exams of Spanish and Mathematics, but he was already sure that he was going to fail them. One day, while he was studying for the exams, he said to himself that he knew that that day Clara's sister had a volleyball match, so he decided to go and talk to her. When he arrived, it turned out that Clara had already forgotten him and she was with another boy so Victor decided to go and talk to them and asked them how they were. He went out into the street with his motorbike, crossed the green traffic light and then he saw a huge car with a girl crossing the red light while she was smoking and using the phone at the same time. They crashed, went flying in the air, but he felt nothing because of the adrenaline. A lot of people approached him and called the ambulance, which took him to the hospital. When he got there, he woke up and was on a stretcher. There was a nurse who was examining him. When he asked her name, it turned out that the nurse's name was Clara and he found out that she had a boyfriend and that she was super sweet.

He went home and tried to get his father to take money from the rich lady that provoked the accident so that he could at least buy another motorbike because the one he had was broken. His father was a very good man and didn't ask the lady for any money so Victor went upstairs to study and then went to sleep.

The next day he woke up and went for a walk; then he saw a girl from his school named Silvia and who had always had a crush on him, but he didn't like her because she wasn’t attractive enough. He saw her in a park reading, he started to talk to her. Then Silvia's cousin appeared, and she told her cousin that Victor was annoying her, the cousin smashed Victor’s face. He went back to his house and went into his room. A girl called and mistook him for someone else to go to a party. Then Victor found the address of the party and went there. After a while, they were kissing in a corner of the house, but she put a pill in his mouth, she drugged him and without knowing how, he was back at the hospital. He was dizzy and had an erection. Clara the nurse was treating him, and when she had finished, she accompanied him back to the party to get back his trousers which were left there. After that, the weekend was over. He went to class and took the Maths exam, but the teacher wanted to talk to him in private as it turned out that it was the Math teacher who took him to the hospital. The teacher had a girlfriend, and he didn't want anyone to find it out, so he guaranteed him a five if he didn’t speak out so he ended up passing Maths. After that he had the Spanish exam in which he had to write what he thought about love.

I think it's entertaining, it's a comedy of love, the characters are quite rounded, it changes your mind and I liked it. I recommend it to everyone who likes love stories, so if you are interested in them, you will have to read this book to find out about the ending.


Alumne: Álex Olar
Curs: 3r ESO F

Goat with three kids

I recommend the book Capra cu Trei Iezi. It is a wonderful book. I don't know if it is written in other languages ​​because the original is in Romanian.

The book is about a goat that has three kids. She tells them to open the door pretending to be their mother and they don't open the door because she has a thick voice and her mother's voice is thin. This would be a small summary of the book. I hope you like it and I recommend reading it.

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